Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The B.J.'s Gym Show is moving along nicely!

Just a quick status update from Angie Annis and her team, winners of AF-Calgary's October $1,000 prize.

They've been spending the last few days getting B.J.'s Gym all prettied up for the big farewell bash on the last weekend of November.

As you'll see from the following pictures, artists have been hard at work painting and decorating both the interior and exterior in preparation for the party at the end of the month.

There's still lots of work left to be done of course, but things are moving along nicely!

As more details become available, we'll share them with you here so stay tuned. In the meantime, make sure you save the date (November 25 & 26) and we hope we'll see you there!


  1. Here's the facebook event page: http://www.awesomecalgary.org/2011/11/bjs-gym-show-is-moving-along-nicely.html

    Hope to see you there!

  2. Oops! Here the facebook event page for more details: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=105514836229302

    Tammy :)

  3. I made a Yelp link too:

    Let's spread the word! :-)
